Continuous Sheet Proofer
Continuous Sheet Proofers are used for producing artisan-style thin pizzas, flatbreads, pastries, and other products with a defined rim and an open cell structure. This machine can be installed above other processing equipment to save floor space, and all conveyors stay inside the enclosure to prevent condensation.

Multi-Deck Proofer
Multi-Deck Proofers offer flexibility within a small footprint. Each level has its own independently driven belt, and different belts can be used to handle products in trays, pans, or peelboards, or products can be placed directly on the belt.

Doughball Proofer
Our Doughball Proofers are climate controlled to provide ideal proofing conditions for industrial bakery production lines. These machines can be designed with intermittent, single, double, or high-speed infeed for a wide range of capacities (up to 9,000 pieces per hour). Various outfeed systems and variable speed drives are available.

Multi-Step Vertical Proofer
Our Vertical Step System, for proofing, cooling, and freezing, is available in three different models. The systems are modular for different proof times, and also for easy expansion as capacity needs grow. They can handle pans, baking sheets, trays, or peelboards.

Spiral Proofer
Spiral Proofers can achieve high capacities in a limited area and offer even treatment across the width of the belt. Specialized air distribution systems ensure products won’t be damaged, and a lack of transfer points means the product orientation will remain unchanged. Our spiral proofers are built using stainless steel and aluminum to minimize sanitation requirements. They’re also equipped with clean in place (CIP) systems.

Swing Tray Proofer
Swing Tray Proofers can be used for products on pans, trays, or peelboards, or for freestanding products. They offer precise climate control and are compatible with multiple loading and unloading systems. Our machines are hygienically designed, built with stainless steel, and include an automatic tray cleaning system.
Get In Touch
Naegele Bakery Systems
5661 W 120th Street
Alsip, IL 60803