On Display at IBIE:
- RotoSheeter Continuous, pressure-less depositing of all kinds of products
- RotoCompact Continuous aerating & tempering units
- R&D RotoPilot Lab-sized continuous aerating & tempering
Learn more about:
- Direct & Indirect Fired Impingement Ovens
- Direct Gas Fired High-Temp Ovens
- Stone, Steelband, SteelPlate & Other Baking Surfaces
- Modular Oven Design for Simple & Fast Installation and Future Expansion
Folding & Filling of Pastries
Learn More About:
- Folded dough products as small as 2″
- Pizza Dough, Danish Dough and Puff Pastry Dough
- High capacities up to 35,0000 products per hour
- Fully automated filling and folding