708-388-7766 info@naegele-inc.com

Continuous mixing equipmentIn our previous article, we outlined five major benefits of continuous mixing. Here we’ll look at the factors that determine whether continuous mixing is the right choice for you.

Continuous mixing bakery applications

Continuous mixing is a versatile process that can be used across a wide range of applications. Here are some of the most popular:

  • Croissants and pastry
  • Sandwich and toast bread
  • Baguettes and ciabatta
  • Brioche and rolls
  • Hamburger and hot dog buns
  • Cookies and biscuits
  • Pizza and focaccia
  • Tortillas and flatbread
  • Cakes

Factors that make continuous mixing an ideal fit

While continuous mixing can be used for almost any bakery application, it isn’t the best solution for all production lines. Here are the factors that indicate continuous mixing might be a good fit for you.

Consistency is crucial

As we wrote in the previous article, high product consistency is the biggest benefit of continuous mixing. If consistency is crucial for the success of your business, you should consider switching to continuous.

You make high volumes of product

Our continuous mixing solutions can process anywhere from 100 to 20,000 lbs of dough per hour. However, the greatest value is found at the largest end of that range.

Your process doesn’t require frequent large changeovers

Continuous mixing is a highly flexible solution, but, like the name suggests, it provides the most benefit when it’s used continuously. If you require frequent changeovers, then the key lies in how different the recipes are. If there are only minor changes and the second dough can simply push out the first dough, then continuous mixing is still a viable option. But, if the recipe changes alter sensitive parameters like the allergen composition, we recommend running each recipe for at least four hours.

Have questions about continuous mixing? Give us a call at 708-388-7766 or fill out our contact form.

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Naegele Bakery Systems
5661 W 120th Street
Alsip, IL 60803



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