by naegele-inc | Dec 4, 2020 | Bakery Trends, Industry News
The younger generations are different from their parents in many ways, and one of those ways is their views on fat. Whereas for the previous few decades, fat had been seen as an evil to be avoided at all costs, today’s young consumers have the exact opposite...
by naegele-inc | Nov 12, 2020 | Industry News
We recently wrote an article about compliance with NFPA 86, a standard from the National Fire Protection Agency for ovens and furnaces. This standard covers pretty much everything having to do with industrial ovens: Location and construction Heating systems...
by naegele-inc | Nov 6, 2020 | Bakery Trends
It’s that time of year again! Trends watchers from around the industry are busy making their predictions about what types of products will make the biggest splash next year. Here are a few of the reports that have come out so far: Whole Foods: The Next Big Things: Top...
by naegele-inc | Oct 26, 2020 | Bakery Trends
What foods will fill store shelves next year? In its sixth annual forecast, Whole Foods Market consulted the experts to identify emerging food trends heading into 2021. Here are the picks that can help bakers prepare for the future. All about health and wellness Foods...
by naegele-inc | Oct 9, 2020 | Bakery Equipment, Company News
With the current increased demand for bread and other bakery products, the last thing bakery manufacturers want right now is downtime. But with travel restricted and visitor policies strengthened, many companies have struggled to get the service and maintenance they...